We are pleased to announce the release of Suru version 2.0, our MITM proxy.
Suru has now been rewritten to work with the .Net 2 runtime environment and includes all the features of the original 1.x stream, as well as numbers of enhancements and upgrades.
Features which have been added since the last 1.1 stable release include the following:
- Upstream proxy support
- Response timing for timing-based attacks
- Highlighting of search terms in the request editor and the browser
- Neater and sortable request and fuzz list boxes
- Request interception
There is currently a known bug when using Suru 2.0 with Mac OS/X and Parallels, but we hope to have the issue ironed out as soon as possible and will release a fix for this in the very near future.
Please visit http://www.sensepost.com/research/suru for more information.